It was a huge aha moment for me when I asked myself “if I can write and manage a $350K grant portfolio for a nonprofit, why couldn’t I write grants and host successful crowdfunding campaigns for my own work?”
That’s exactly what I did. With just me, a computer, and a friend I started on a journey that I never had an inkling that I would be on.
Within 3 years I had raised $68K in cash and $350K in donated resources to produce and distribute my first feature film, Stuck, and my first video interview series, smart cookies…. Not a dime came out of my pocket or stacked up on my credit card.
I was still, however, struggling financially. Working multiple jobs and stacking up personal debt.
I went to the premier of Boyhood with $2.57 in my pocket and a handful of food stamps. I spent Oscar Night in a bar that was throwing a viewing party, alone, as Boyhood was being recognized as one of the Best films of the year.
This is just a story. A true story but a story, nonetheless.
That’s when I finally realized how valuable-and limited- my time is. I decided to own it. I became discerning about where I would spend it by
- Saying no to auditions by using the five-finger death punch method.
- Saying no to toxic work environments
- Increasing my hourly rates
- And doing a whole lot of 12–step and spiritual recovery work around money.
Things began to change within me so quickly that the outer world could not keep up.
- Yes. I lived with my parents for six months
- Yes. I started over with low-paying jobs
- Yes. I kept walking on the path that made no sense to me.
Slowly, even with a pandemic going on, the world around me started to reflect the inner changes. I now had
- Two beautiful cats
- A 5-year-old bestie who reminded me of how to play
- Unemployment Insurance during the pandemic
- A Buy-Nothing group that provided all of my needs and many desires!
- A fully paid move to my dream town.
- And a PT corporate gig that was designed for me (who knew) that pays 3 times what I used to make!
Now I am building the business of my dreams- it’s not what I thought it would be but what’s come out of the journey. Soon I will be out of debt and my artrepreneurial business will not only support itself, but me, my family and my art!
Use me!
I’ve already macheted the way, you don’t have to. I have everything you need to go from starving artist to thriving artrepreneur and I’m happy to be your guide!
Don’t worry. We’ll take baby steps. The first step is to join the 21-Day Co-creating Event!