Registration for the event is currently closed. Pop your email in the box and I’ll keep you updated on upcoming opportunities and send you my weekly A’Musing Monday emails.

Thank You

Let me tell you a secret

You're amazing!

You are a hard worker. You are disciplined. Think about it- our society tells you that your work has little to no value. And that you are not driven, motivated, smart, business-minded, or financially savvy because you put your focus and energy into your art. This is simply not true. If you weren’t then you would never have the will required to manifest your creation. But your brain doesn't quite believe me does it?

F&%& Starving Artist Syndrome

What if I told you

  • You have everything you need to live an abundant life?

  • You are free to pursue your passions and follow the whim of your muse anytime?

  • That you are the angel patron or biz manager that you've been holding out for?

  • You, your work, and your are desperately needed right now!

  • A bunch of what's blocking you is in your head and can be cleared.

Symptoms of SAS (Starving Artist Syndrome)

  • The persistent and devastating belief that I won't be able to pay my rent if I pursue my dreams.

  • If I pursue my craft 100% and fail everyone is going to say "I told you so"

  • I can't ask for help or share where I am at because it will just prove what they think about me trying to do this.

  • Nobody needs my work. It has no value

  • Every time I start something I can't follow through

  • I have a list of ideas with little to show for it

  • I'm drowning my passion in netflix, booze, or relationships

  • I'm surrounded by doubters, crazy-makers, and negative thinkers

  • When someone offers me a paid gig I immediately think it's not going to happen.

  • A serious case of the "I don't knows" and "Yes, buts"

How do I know? I've been there.

My Starving Artist to Thriving Artrepreneur Story

It was a huge aha moment for me when I asked myself “if I can write and manage a $350K grant portfolio for a nonprofit, why couldn’t I write grants and host successful crowdfunding campaigns for my own work?”

That’s exactly what I did. With just me, a computer, and a friend I started on a journey that I never had an inkling that I would be on. 

Within 3 years I had raised $68K in cash and $350K in donated resources to produce and distribute my first feature film, Stuck, and my first video interview series, smart cookies…. Not a dime came out of my pocket or stacked up on my credit card. 

I was still, however, struggling financially. Working multiple jobs and stacking up personal debt. 

I went to the premier of Boyhood with $2.57 in my pocket and a handful of food stamps. I spent Oscar Night in a bar that was throwing a viewing party, alone, as Boyhood was being recognized as one of the Best films of the year.

This is just a story. A true story but a story, nonetheless.

That’s when I finally realized how valuable-and limited- my time is. I decided to own it. I became discerning about where I would spend it by

  •  Saying no to auditions by using the five-finger death punch method. 
  • Saying no to toxic work environments 
  • Increasing my hourly rates
  • And doing a whole lot of 12–step and spiritual recovery work around money. 

 Things began to change within me so quickly that the outer world could not keep up. 

  • Yes. I lived with my parents for six months
  • Yes. I started over with low-paying jobs 
  • Yes. I kept walking on the path that made no sense to me. 

Slowly, even with a pandemic going on, the world around me started to reflect the inner changes. I now had

  •  Two beautiful cats
  • A 5-year-old bestie who reminded me of how to play
  • Unemployment Insurance during the pandemic
  • A Buy-Nothing group that provided all of my needs and many desires!
  • A fully paid move to my dream town. 
  • And a PT corporate gig that was designed for me (who knew) that pays 3 times what I used to make!

Now I am building the business of my dreams- it’s not what I thought it would be but what’s come out of the journey. Soon I will be out of debt and my artrepreneurial business will not only support itself, but me, my family and my art! 

Use me!

I’ve already macheted the way, you don’t have to. I have everything you need to go from starving artist to thriving artrepreneur and I’m happy to be your guide!

Don’t worry. We’ll take baby steps. The first step is to join the 21-Day Co-creating Event!


Let me give you a little taste

Close your eyes

Imagine a space where you are surrounded by other creators who are breaking the bonds of that kind of thinking? Imagine right now, how it would feel to be able to speak up in a group and have people nod their heads in validation. And if they say something, they don’t tell you you’re wrong, they offer you their experience with that same struggle and possibly even a solution! How does that feel in your body? Awesome right? I encourage you to follow that feeling!

21-Day Co-Creating Event

We will be LIVE Sept 4-25. You can participate as much or as little as you like. AND there will be replays just in case you need one! ($397 value for $27? OMG!)

  • The power of a group to keep you inspired and accountable

    A safe, fun off-FB group where you can check-in, celebrate, find an accountability partner and post your 10-Minute Creative Projects!

  • 21-Day Drip course to keep you on track

    Don't want to show up in the group every day? I've got you covered! Basic content will be shared daily via a drip course!

  • Coaching and Cheerleading

    Jenni will be taking part in the challenge right along with you. She'll host the 10-Minute Creative Project live for the first 3 days to get the ball rolling and then pop-in for coaching and Q&Plays!

  • 21-Day Cure Playbook

    One part habit-tracker. One-part journal. One-part sketchpad. Whatever you want to call it, it's yours to use how you like!

  • Gifts & Goodies Given Daily

“Jenni helped me get unstuck and see my relationship to my work in a new light. She's a fantastic coach. I am a fan!”

Tess G.

“"If I had known that having a group to share goals and intentions and creativity with would be so beneficial, I would have done this sooner!"”


“Jenni is intuitive and thorough. She is the best script consultant I've used...I give her my highest recommendation.”

Rob A.

“A side thank you...Sometimes recentering isi easier achieved with someone else's voice. Today was one of those days for me...so I appreciate your time.”

Michael M.

“The 10-Minute Creative Challenges are very effective for me. They get me out of my head. I don't have time to judge myself or work towards perfection. I just have to DO. I've found I can incorporate them into my weekday morning routine when I want to work on small creative projects. I created a Book of Hymns over the series of 2 weeks, creating one short hymn a day using this method. Some of them I'm very proud of. It's a technique that works well for me. ”

Tess G.

“Your voice is so reassuring and healing. Thank you!”

Samantha S.

You were meant to thrive!

Let's take the first steps together! The LIVE 21-Day event starts soon so grab your seat now!

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Change your mind

You already excel at business AND your work has value!

We have been taught to think that we aren't good at business and that our work has no value- this is simply not true. Artists and entertainment professionals of all kinds are the most motivated, disciplined, and driven people that I know. It's time that we gather together and show the world what we have to offer and continue forging the way for the generations of artists and artrepreneurs to come.

Follow your yes!

If any of this resonates, I highly encourage you to follow your intuition and say yes to yourself.

How are we going to get SASS-y?

Each day for 21 Days, I am going to break out my Tooleybox and supply you with something that will get the thriving fire lit and kindled. I work intuitively, so you're going to have an experience customized specifically for your group.

I may share an exercise, a guided meditation, a coaching video, a masterclass, an inspiration, or anything else that my intuition guides me to share with you. We'll work on our mindset in practical and woo-woo ways focusing each week on one theme:

Week 1: Clear.
Week 2: Fill.
Week 3: Maintain.

We'll use the 10-Minute Cure for Creative Blocks and Burnout explore how we can show up for ourselves, our art, and our biz with SASS (Stories. Authenticity, Service, Selfcare).

Nothing will take you more than 20 minutes to complete. And you can do it anytime- even after the event.

I can't wait!

Hi! I'm Jenni ! I'll be your guide!

jenni tooley

Jenni Tooley is a serial Artrepreneur. She’s spent three decades been exploring how she can support her passions and how her passions can support her. Jenni is an award-winning actor and filmmaker. She owned a cottage bakery that she ran from her home. She is a yoga teacher, freelance blogger, blues dancer, mantra scarf maker, internal communications specialist, and recovering perfectionist. Now Jenni is sharing everything she has learned with you via online courses, coaching, and online communities. She fluidly combines spiritual principles with practical tools to create actionable solutions. Her approach is kind, consistent, positive and full of SASS.

The time is now!

This time around the event is only $27. Next time...$397!

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Still on the fence?

I know where you're at and I've got your back. Let's continue the conversation. Share your email, and I'll keep you updated on all thing SASS-y!

Thank You